Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Church of mercy

by Francis, frey50
Published by : Loyola Press, (Chicago, Illinois) , 2014 Physical details: 200 p. 23 cm. ISBN:0829441700; 9780829441703; 0829441689; 9780829441680.
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"A vision for the Church"--cover.

Part one. The good news of Christ -- Part two. A poor church for the poor -- Part three. Listening to the spirit -- Part four. Proclamation and testimony -- Part five. Full-time Christians -- Part six. Shepherds with the "odor of the sheep" -- Part seven. The choice of the last -- Part eight. Demolishing the idols -- Part nine. The culture of good -- Part ten. Mary, mother of evangelization.

Pope Francis has captured the world's attention with his seemingly counterintuitive approach to leadership. In "The Church of Mercy," readers get a first-hand look at Pope Francis's vision of the good news of Christian hope and mercy. Designed for a broad readership, "The Church of Mercy "is a compilation of essays, speeches, and homilies by Pope Francis since his election on being a church that exists among and for the people, solidarity with the poor, and the need to demolish the idols of power and money.