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Discover Magazine: E6005D.

A paper-thin, wall-sized holographic television ... a car that runs on processed seawater ... an army of robotic killing machines ... outer-space luxury resorts and a cleaning droid controlled by your mind? Buckle-up for safety as we race into the near future--where fantasy becomes fact. There have always been visionaries, futurists, and dreamers predicting the world of tomorrow--flying cars, space-station colonies, and android personal assistants. But time has proven the fallacy of many of their predictions. So what future technology can we realistically expect? With the help of 3D animation, we present some pretty far-out predictions and take you to various research labs to see working prototypes of these technologies in their infancy. Join us on a rollicking ride through the entertainment room, down the road, over the battlefield, through the mind, out in space, and into the future, where science fiction becomes science fact.

"New York city is itself a detective story with numerous clues hinting at its fascinating and often awe-inspiring geological past. This program focuses upon the 450 million year old history of the infamous East-coast metropolis. Fiery volcanoes, massive floods and enormous ice sheets four times the size of the Empire State Building are a mere glimpse of New York City astonishing geological history.