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Saint Odd

by Koontz, Dean R.
Series: Odd Thomas Book 7 Edition statement:First Edition. Published by : Bantam Books (New York) Physical details: 338 pages 25 cm. ISBN:9780345545879 (hardcover : acid-free paper); 0345545877 (hardcover : acid-free paper). Year: 2015
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Fiction Book Cart Koo (Browse shelf) Available 102050

"Two years after the cataclysmic events that sent him journeying into mystery, Odd Thomas, the intrepid fry cook who sees the dead and tries to help them, has traveled full circle, back to his beloved home town of Pico Mundo and the people he loves. He has come to save them--and perhaps humanity--from the full flowering of evil it is his destiny to confront, as he draws ever closer to the truth of the world and his place in it. Stronger, wiser than he started, and with the help of the friends he has made along the way, Odd prepares to confront the terrible forces arrayed against him and possibly to journey still farther, to his long-awaited reunion with his lost love, Stormy Llewellyn"--