Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Paint your wagon

by Lerner, Alan Jay frey50
Published by : Coward-McCann, Inc. (New York) , 1952 Physical details: 140 p.
Subject(s): Drama -- Plays -- 20th Century
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800 - 899 812 Ler (Browse shelf) Available 42676

A musical play about a California gold rush in the 1850's, Paint Your Wagon is a delightful combination fo gold dust and gaiety and a worthy successor to the authors; (Frederick Loewe wrot the music) Brigadoon. A Broadway hit about which Brooks Atkinson in the New York Times wrote "...a bountiful and exultant musical jamboree. It's lots of fun." For thte publication of the play in book form, Mr. Lerner has written a sparkling foreword which contains "advice to young musical writers."