Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Hit makers :

by Thompson, Derek,
Physical details: 344 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm ISBN:9781101980323; 110198032X.
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300 - 399 Book Cart 306.3 Tho (Browse shelf) Available 104712
Browsing Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Shelves , Shelving location: Book Cart Close shelf browser
306.0973 Hud 50 things they don't want you to know 306.09730904 Bow Bowling, beatniks, and bell-bottoms : 306.20973 Zit The great revolt : 306.3 Tho Hit makers : 306.362 Bal Disposable people : 306.362 Ski A crime so monstrous : 306.362092 Jac Incidents in the life of a slave girl

Includes bibliographical references (pages 311-334) and index.

Part I: Popularity and the mind -- The power of exposure: featuring Claude Monet, Adele, and Donald Trump -- The Maya rule: featuring ESPN, Spotify, and the first NASA space station -- The music of sound: featuring John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, and ABBA -- Interlude: The chills -- The myth-making mind I: the force of story: featuring Star Wars, Isaac Asimov, and Hollywood psychohistory -- The myth-making mind II: the dark side of hits: featuring Hungarian vampires, Disney princesses, and cable news -- The birth of fashion: featuring Taylor Swift, the printing press, and the laugh track -- Interlude: A brief history of teens -- Part II: Popularity and the market -- Rock and roll and randomness: featuring the Mona Lisa, "Rock around the clock," and chaos theory -- The viral myth: featuring Fifty Shades of Grey, John Snow, and Pok�emon GO -- The audience of my audience: featuring Etsy, Bumble, and Moonies -- Interlude: Le panache -- What the people want I: the economics of prophecy: featuring Game of Thrones, Seinfeld, and Shazam -- What the people want II: a history of pixels and ink: featuring the tabloid, the television, and the news feed -- Interlude: 828 Broadway -- The futures of hits: empire and city-state: featuring Mickey Mouse, BuzzFeed, and Kid A.

"An Atlantic senior editor presents an investigation into the lucrative quality of popularity in the 21st century to share economic insights into what makes ideas, productions and products successful,"--NoveList.