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Resistance is futile! :

by Coulter, Ann H.,
Physical details: x, 273 pages ; 22 cm ISBN:9780525540076; 0525540075.
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300 - 399 Book Cart 320.5130973 Cou (Browse shelf) Available 106388
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320.50973 Mam Recessional : 320.51 Fuk Liberalism and its discontents 320.510973 Cou Godless : 320.5130973 Cou Resistance is futile! : 320.5130973 D'So The big lie : 320.51730973 Sch Do as I say (not as I do) : 320.52 Kel January 6

Includes bibliographical references (pages 231-262) and index.

The Resistance : Trump is Hitler times infinity -- The Resistance has told thousands of lies about Trump. Here's one -- Bald-faced lie no. 2 : take a h*cking joke -- Trump is a racist--we've scientifically proved it! -- Now they want to fight the Cold War? -- Hillary hatches an egg -- Hillary finally runs an effective campaign ... with our intelligence agencies -- Intelligence agencies : you tell her we can't game the Electoral College -- Different Strzoks for different folks -- James Comey : Please fire me! Oh my gosh, I'm being fired! -- A tale of two Dicks -- Mueller's the Russian! -- Bonfire of the nonentities -- Jeff Sessions is a felon! Oh, okay, never mind -- Don Jr. and Hillary: both wear pants. One of them colluded with Russia -- October 24, 2017 : it was the best of dossiers, it was the worst of dossiers -- George Papadopoulos, headline writer's nightmare -- Mueller exposes the blogging gap -- Michael Cohen : liberals discover the bright side of bullying! -- Liberals now love the police state! -- Foreign policy : we'll have more flexibility after Trump is re-elected -- Conclusion: For democracy to live, we must kill the media.

"Since the day Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign, the left has waged a demented war against him. Liberals used to pride themselves on their ultra-hipness, but Trump has turned them into weeping little girls in pink party dresses. The very people who once mocked right-wingers for (allegedly) overreacting to every little thing are now the ones hyperventilating and hatching insane conspiracy theories. During the campaign, and even more so after his victory, the left went nuts, becoming the very embodiment of their own caricature of conservatives. Everything Trump does sends them into a moral panic. Everything is a constitutional crisis. Members of the self-proclaimed "Resistance"--Journalists, politicians, professors, judges, comedians, movie stars, Twitter pundits, even Oprah and Lindsey Vonn!--are literally shaking because Trump is literally Hitler. Meanwhile, Trump governs mostly as a middle-of-the-road Republican, sometimes betraying his base and allowing unprecedented restrictions on his authority. He has submitted, however irritably, to a hyper-politicized special counsel. He obeys even unconstitutional orders from district court judges who want to roll back his presidential powers. He acquiesces to nearly every demand of his archrival, Senator Chuck Schumer. IT'S RIGHT OUT OF THE MEIN KAMPF PLAYBOOK! Now Ann Coulter skewers the various elements of "The Resistance"--the pussy-hat brigade, the Russian-collusion witch hunters, the media alarmists, the campus hysterics, and more. They talk about Russia? They're the ones meddling with our democracy by trying to overturn the results of the election with their relentless attacks. The only permanent result of the Trump era may be our cultural institutions' total loss of credibility."--Jacket.