Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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300 - 399 Book Cart 306.0973 Hud (Browse shelf) Available 107438
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305.9082 Her The Bell Curve 305.973 Car Alienated America : 306.095193090511 Dem Nothing to envy : 306.0973 Hud 50 things they don't want you to know 306.09730904 Bow Bowling, beatniks, and bell-bottoms : 306.20973 Zit The great revolt : 306.3 Tho Hit makers :

Includes bibliographical references (pages 269-310).

From 2012 to 2016, more black women in New York City had abortions than gave birth -- The U.S. government awarded $100 million in tax dollars for contracts to the aborted-baby-tissue industry -- Black and Hispanic students are more underrepresented at America's top colleges and universities than before affirmative action -- America's most deadly and dangerous cities are run by Democrats -- The Obama administration knew that up to two-thirds of Americans might not be able to keep their healthcare plans under Obamacare -- Since 1950 97.8 percent of mass shootings have occurred in "gun-free zones" -- Drug overdoses kill more Americans than gun violence -- Falling and the flu are far deadlier than mass shootings -- The U.S. resettled more refugees in 2018 than any other nation -- Eighty percent of Central American women and girls are raped crossing into the U.S. illegally -- Obama deported more people than any other president -- The IRS documented 1.2 million identity thefts committed by illegal aliens in 2017 -- There are no jobs Americans won't do -- For every $1 a Netflix employee donates to a Republican, $141 gets donated to Democrats -- Half of federal arrests are related to immigration -- Amazon paid $0 in taxes on $11.2 billion in profits in 2018 -- America has spent $22 trillion fighting the War on Poverty -- America's trade deficit grew 600 percent after NAFTA -- Taxpayers doled out $2.6 billion in food stamps to dead people -- World leaders flew to Davos in a fleet of 1,700 private jets to discuss the impact of global warming -- Ninety percent of plastic waste comes from Asia and Africa -- Nearly 70 percent (1.2 billion) Muslims support Sharia law -- Jihadists from Iran, Palestine, and Syria took home billions in U.S. money and weapons during the Obama Era -- The taxpayer cost of illegal immigration will exceed $1 trillion by 2028 -- America protects and foots the bill for border walls around the world -- U.S. greenhouse gas emmisions have plummeted for decades without federal laws or massive carbon tax -- Hillary Clinton supported a "strong, competent, prosperous, stable Russia" before blaming it for her election loss -- Hillary and Bill Clinton made millions and Russia got 20 percent of all U.S. uranium -- President Obama and Hillary Clinton encouraged U.S. investors to fund tech research used by Russia's military -- Top Democrats blamed Obama for doing little to stop Russia's 2016 election meddling -- Donald Trump won the 2016 election by winning Michigan, a state Russia didn't attempt to hack -- Google could swing an election by secretly adjusting its search algorithm, and we would have no way of knowing -- Google works with the oppressive Chinese government to build a censorial search engine but refuses to work with the U.S. government -- Facebook changed its algorithm, leading to a 45 percent drop in users interacting with President Trump -- Google and Facebook enlisted biased "fake news" fact-checkers who were often wrong -- Facebook receives your most sensitive personal info from your phone's other apps -- Americans pay billions to large corporations to not hire U.S. citizens -- Nearly three-quarters of Silicon Valley workers are foreign-born -- Black and Hispanic unemployment hit records lows under Trump -- Venezuela was the wealthiest country in Latin America before socialism -- American cities with the largest homeless populations are all Democrat-run enclaves -- Muslims account for 1 percent of the U.S. population, but radical Islamist extremists account for more the 50 percent of deaths by extremists -- China is holding two million Muslims in internment camp sweatshops -- Economists predicted a Trump victory would crash the stock market. Instead it hit a record high the week after he was elected -- Family separation and detention of illegal aliens at the border exploded under President Obama and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson -- Illegal immigration may have cost black Americans more than 1 million jobs -- There have been more than 630 examples of left-wing political violence and threats against Trump supporters -- Dick's Sporting Goods anti-gun policy resulted in a $150 million loss for the company, but the left's approval is worth more -- Christianity is the world's most persecuted religion.

"Jerome Hudson pulls back the curtain to show you the facts, statistics, and analysis that the Liberal elite have worked so hard to hide"--