Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Videos/Films Book Cart Roa (Browse shelf) Available 108083

Originally released in 1989.

Wide screen (2.35:1).

Special features: optional audio commentary with director Rowdy Herrington; optional audio commentary with Road House fans Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier; "What would Dalton do?" documentary; "On the Road House" featurette; sneak peak at Road House 2; optional audio trivia track.

Director of photography, Dean Cundey ; editors, Frank J. Urioste, John F. Link ; music, Michael Kamen.

Patrick Swayze, Ben Gazzara, Kelly Lynch, Kevin Tighe, Keith David, Kathleen Wilhoite, Sam Elliott ; featured musical performance by the Jeff Healey Band.

A legendary bouncer comes to Jasper, Missouri, for a special purpose: to restore order at the notorious Double Deuce bar. In one spectacular fight after another, Dalton rids the bar of thugs and henchmen. But when he runs afoul of a ruthless crime boss, the state is set for a blistering showdown that'll leave only one man standing.

MPAA rating: R. Special features not rated.

DVD, NTSC, region 1; widescreen presentation (2.35:1) anamorphic; Dolby Digital 2.0 surround (English, French), Dolby digital mono (Spanish).

English, dubbed French and dubbed Spanish soundtracks; optional English, French or Spanish subtitles; closed-captioned.