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Once quiet

by Blade, Scott
Series: Jack Widow Book 5 Published by : Black Lion Media (United States) Physical details: 370 pages ; Hardback 23 cm. ISBN:9781955924085. Year: 2017
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Widow enjoys a quiet life out there on the road, traveling across the map. A lifestyle like his costs money. An unexplained low bank balance forces Widow to take temporary work on a dying cattle ranch in northern Montana.

Widow takes work on the Sossaman family cattle ranch, taking orders from a beautiful wife. Quickly, Widow grows attached to her and her two sons, but his feelings for her may be more than a simple infatuation.

Widow notes two strange things going on around the ranch. The first: the husband lies silent in an inexplicable decades-long coma. The second: there’s someone out there watching the ranch from the woods. Someone with sinister intentions. Someone with a murderous agenda.