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Persistence of the Soul

by Ireland, Mark
Published by : Inner Traditions (Rochester, Vermont) Physical details: 278 pages ISBN:9781644117187. Year: 2023
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100 - 199 133.9092 Ire (Browse shelf) Available GO Bond 113239

Includes bibliographical references and index.

A Note to ReadersINTRODUCTIONThe Catalyst 1 The “Why” 2 The Next Phase 3 Seeing Things Differently 4 Does Good Mediumship Prove Survival? 5 The Skeptical Neurosis 6 Interviews with Two Psychic-Mediums 7 Psychic Phenomena and Mediumship in Religion and History 8 Reflections on Reincarnation 9 Life as Richard’s Son 10 “That’s So Random” 11 Unfoldment 12 Robin’s Flight 13 The Combination-Lock Experiment 14 A Reading to Remember 15 It’s Up to You 16 Finding a Credible Medium POSTSCRIPT Letter from Richard Ireland to His Dying Father, 1962 APPENDIX More Signs: Reports of Synchronicity and After-Death Communication References Index About the Author

"Compelling evidence for afterlife messages backed by scientific research. Presents detailed accounts of experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the survival of consciousness after death, including the author's own test involving a secret message left behind by his late sister. Shares interviews with mediums to understand how they receive information from the spirit world and explains how to recognize fraudulent mediums. Explores the healing impact that afterlife communications can have on people who are grieving"--