Out of the Night That Covers Me a family memoir
Kandace DeLain Davis
- St. Louis, MO Editor 911 Books 2023
- ix, 309 pages illustrations, portraits 23 cm
Contains bibliographical references (page 309).
Left an orphan at six years old in 1976, Kandace DeLain Davis grew up in Crossville, Illinois, at her grandparents' kitschy roadside motor lodge. Seven years earlier, at the Anna State Hospital, Davis's mother, Mary Ellen Stein, had met her father at what was once known as The Illinois Southern Hospital for the Insane. When Mary Ellen was found dead, with a knife protruding from her chest, her family believed it must be suicide. Davis navigates through court documents and records of her mother's over one hundred hospitalizations, searching for the truth. Davis narrates her family's history and details her investigation leading to her mother's death. Not only does she reveal stories of her mother's life, but also lovingly shares anecdotes from the life of her grandmother, Faire DeLain Stein. Faire was a woman who made boundless sacrifices to protect the innocent victims of her husband's tyrannical behavior and Mary Ellen's mental illness.
9781957366166 1957366168
Stein, Mary Ellen--Mental health Davis, Kandace DeLain Stein, Faire DeLain
Mentally ill--Illinois--Anna--Biography Psychiatric hospital patients--Illinois--Anna--Biography Children of mentally ill mothers--Illinois--Crossville Mothers--Death People with mental illness Illinoisians