Lantz, Paul

Carmen Paul Lantz - Oil Painting

This Painting was created by Paul Lantz in 1937. This painting has been on display at the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library since April 28, 1965.

Located in Basement Small Box Space 2

Artist is Paul Lantz - Born February 14, 1908 in Stromsburg, Nebraska-Died November 19, 2000 in Santa Fe, New Mexico) spent his early childhood in Montana and Missouri. In Missouri, he studied at the Kansas City Art Institute where he was the youngest student ever enrolled. At the age of seventeen, he traveled to New York for further study at the National Academy and Art Students League. In 1929 Lantz traveled to New Mexico Where until 1939, he worked with artist Randall Davey, Lantz Moved to New Mexico permanently in 1974.

Oil Painting included on the Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Art Walkthrough

Lantz, Paul

Oil Painting
Spanish Women
Art Walkthroughs

AJML Art Walkthrough 37