Secrets of the great pyramid
by Peter Tompkins
- New York Harper & Row, Publishers 1971
- 416 pages
includes Index
Acknowledgements; Introduction; Ancient Background; Medieval Exploration; Renaissance and revival of Interest; The age of enlightment; Exploring with Chisel and Gunpowder; First scientific theories; First confirmation of scientific theories; First refutation of scientific theories; Scientific theory developed; A Theodolite for surveyors; Almanac of the ages; Astronomical Observatory; Astronomical Temples of Egypt; Geodetic and Geographic Landmark; The Golden section; Scientific survey gives geopraphical proof; Decline of Ancient knowledge; Who built the Pyramid? When? and How?; Why were the Pyramid passages plugged? When? and how?; Temple of secret initiation; More secret passages and chambers; Astrological observatory; Appendix; Pyramid; Glossary; Bibliography; Index
This beautifully illustrated book presents the thousand-year drama which has centered on the mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Cheops
Great Pyramid (Egypt) --Miscellanea Pyramides Great Pyramid (Egypt)