Movies of Great Value Disc 3
- United States ; Echo Bridge Home Entertainment ; 2013
- 1 video disc
- Movies of Great Value Part 3 .
The Heroes of Desert Storm Terminal Countdown The Reluctant Heroes The Forgotten Man
The Heroes of Desert Storm - Combat footage and dramatizations profile U.S. men and women during the war in the Persian Gulf.
Terminal Countdown - On the eve of the new year, the computer system on a top-secret missile silo prepares itself to initiate a nuclear attack. Now, with only 24 hours remaining, a tough CIA officer and his Special Forces team must battle unscrupulous drug lords and deadly obstacles in order to disarm the warhead and prevent the world's worst catastrophe.
During the Korean War, a newly commissioned lieutenant finds that he and his men are trapped after the enemy surrounds their position. Despite having had no leadership training, he uses ancient tactics he remembers from his history books to try and get them out of their seemingly hopeless situation. The Forgotten Man - No Description Found