Wind in the tower Mao Tsetung and the Chinese revolution, 1949-1975
Han Suyin
- Boston Little, Brown & Company 1976
- 404 p
Sequel to the morning deluge.
Part I: The Building of New China -- 1. The Road to the Future -- 2. The Economic Base: Agriculture and Industry, 1949-1955 -- 3. The Superstructure, the Party Struggle, and Confucius -- 4. Thought Remolding and the Intelligentsia -- 5. The Ten Great Contradictions and Relations -- 6. The Hundred Flowers -- 7. East Wind, West Wind: China, the USSR, and the United States, 1949-1957 -- 8. The Great Leap Forward and the Communes, 1958-1959 -- 9. The Tenth Year: 1959 and the Second Major Struggle in the Party Since 1949 -- 10. The Years of Endurance: September 1959 to September 1962 -- 11. Mao Tsetung Against Revisionism, 1960-1962 -- Part II: The Cultural Revolution and After -- 1. Prelude, 1962-1965 -- 2. Revisionism and Imperialism -- 3. The Cultural Revolution Swings into Action -- 4. The Tortuous Zigzags of the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1967 -- 5. Construction After Destruction, 1968-1971 -- 6. China and the World -- 7. Mao Tsetung, Confucius and the Future.