Hahn, Emily

Mabel: a biography of Mabel Dodge Luhan Emily Hahn - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1977 - 228 p.

Includes index

Her friends called her " Mabel " And " Mabel " she remained, for the string of surnames she added by four marriages to her own " Ganson " did little to alter the character of this willful, mysticism loving bohemian born of the Buffalo, New York, bourgeoisie. Mabel was a " new Women " but very much of her era. If she were alive today her driving ambition and search for fulfillment might lead her into politics. The period determined that her interests and social standing equipped her best to be hostess to the brightest minds of her day. With her third husband Mabel moved to Taos, New Mexico, where she built a new house, created a literary and artistic colony that included D. H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, and fell in love with her fourth and last husband. It was in Taos that she wrote copiously a four volume autobiography in which she examined her life and many friendships.




Luhan, Mabel Dodge 1879 - 1962 Biography

Biography--United States--Taos, New Mexico

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