Wolle, Muriel Sibell

Timberline tailings tales of Colorado's ghost towns and mining camps Muriel Sibell Wolle - Chicago Swallow Press 1977 - 337 p - Sage Books .

Includes index.

Rich tailings --
The Central City area and Gilpin County --
Boulder County camps --
Georgetown and its neighbors --
Dredge country --
Pikes Peak country --
Leadville, the cloud city of the Rockies --
The Arkansas Valley and Monarch Pass --
West of the Divide --
Gunnison and the camps northwest --
Aspen and the Crystal River country --
Off the beaten track --
The Wet Mountain Valley --
The San Luis Valley --
The Lake City and the Creede areas --
The Red Mountain Mines, Silverton, and Eureka --
Telluride, the Uncompahgres, and La Plata Mountains.

"Timberline Tailings is a follow-up volume which the author published in 1977, after years of receiving letters from people who related their own stories, directions and data about Colorado mining camps after reading Stampede to Timberline.




--History, Local

978.8 Wol 48