Life is forever
bt Helen Steiner Rice
- New Jersey Fleming H. Revell 1974
- 32 p.
A personal letter from the Author; Nothing on Earth is forever yours -- Only the love of the Lord endures!; Life is forever: Death is a dream!; I do not go alone; Spring awakens what autumn puts to sleep; Death is a doorway; "Because he lives...We, too, shall live"; When I must leave you; Each spring, God renews his promise; Death opens the door to life evermore; Life is eternal; "In him we live and move and have our being"; In God's tomorrow there is eternal spring; God needed an Angel in Heaven; Mothers never die-- they just keep house up in the sky; "Why should he die for such as I?"; All nature proclaims eternal life; The legend of the raindrop; As long as you live and remember your loved one lives in your heart; A Consolation meditation; In the hands of God even death is a time for rejoicing