The Dark Ages
by Colin McEvedy and Sarah McEvedy
- New York The Macmillan Company 1972
- 64 pages
- The Atlas of world history .
The four Empires and the Nomads of the Steppe -- The Turkish Empire of North China -- Huns, Germans and the fall of Rome -- the German Kingdoms -- Ravenna -- Justinian -- Constantinople -- The Turks of the Altai -- The Lombards in Italy -- Rome: the Pope takes over -- Crisis in the East -- Arabia and Mohammed -- The Arab Conquests -- The Umayyad Caliphate -- The battle of the River Talas -- China under the Sui and T'ang dynasties -- The kingdom of the Franks -- Charlemagne --Britain becomes England -- Scandinavians and sailing ships -- The Vikings -- The Norse in the Atlantic -- The Swedes in Russia -- Middle America: Mexicans and Mayas -- the break-up of the Caliphate -- The Byzantine Empire -- China reunited -- Christendom recovers -- The end of the dark ages -- The old world in 1000 -- The cities of Islam -- A New Beginning -- Sources and notes -- Notes -- Acknowledgements
This historical atlas contains many colored maps and detailed illustrations. From 400 A.D. to 1000 A.D., the history of how present-day Europe developed is explained.