The white and the gold The French Regime in Canada
by Thomas B. Costain
- Garden City, New York Doubleday 1954
- 489 p
Includes Index
John Cabot speaks to a king -- and discovers a continent -- Before and after Cabot -- Jacques Cartier discovers Canada -- The kingdom of Saguenay ; Stadacona and Hochelaga -- The feud between Cartier and Roberval -- Samuel de Champlain, the founder of New France -- Champlain at Quebec -- Champlain, organizer, diplomat, explorer, and Indian fighter -- A view of Quebec in the first days ; Louis Hebert -- Champlain's romance -- The coming of the Jesuits ; The formation of the company of a hundred associates -- The start of the long wars with the English -- Three resolute women and the parts they played ;Madame de la Peltrie ; Marie de I'incarnation ; Jeanne Mance -- The story of Ville Marie and how it came into existence -- The start of the wars with the Iroquois ; An ineffectual peace ; The tragic story of Isaac Jogues -- The destruction of the Huron nation ; The Jesuit martyrs -- Richelieu dies and Mazarin takes his place ; A troublesome period is reached in the affairs of New France ; A strange feud in Acadia -- The Iroquois gain the upper hand ; the mission to the Onondagas -- An uneasy peace ; Charles le Moyne and the beginning of a great family ; Jeanne Mance takes matters into her own hands -- Adam Dollards and his magnificent stand at the Long Sault -- The transfer of Montreal Island to the Sulpicians ; The appointment of Bishop Laval leads to clerical war and begins a great chapter in Canadian history -- Mazarin dies and Louis XIV decides to rule for himself ; Colbert becomes his first minister ; A great plan for Canada
The grand plan comes to a head with the arrival in Canada of the Carignan-Saliere regiment and the defeat of the Iroquois -- A great man comes to Canada who is neither soldier, missionary, nor explorer ; Jean Talon, the able intendant, who introduces the elements of normality -- The king becomes a paternal tyrant of Canada, making regulations for every phase of life ; The king's girls ; Rigid police restrictions -- The conflict over the fur trade ; The Coureurs de Bois ; The annual fair at Montreal ; Opening up the West ; Du Lhut and Nicolas Perrot -- Radisson and Groseilliers leave New France and go to England ; The formation of the Hudson's Bay Company ; Forts are established on the bay -- The divided loyalties of Radisson and Groseilliers ; The policy of the Hudson's Bay Company and its great success -- Frontenac, the great governor, is appointed ; His early life ; His character -- Frontenac takes matters into his own hands ; The breaking of all records in building Fort Cataraqui ; The raising of the white flag
La Salle, the greatest of explorers ; Marquette and Joliet discover the Mississippi ; La Salle's only friend, the man with the iron hand -- The building of the Griffin ; La Salle's creditors seize all his assets ; the tracing of the Mississippi to its mouth -- The Seigneurial system creates an atmosphere of romance ; the rise of Seigneurial class ; La Durantaye ; The fabulous Le Moynes -- Frontenac places the governor of Montreal under arrest ; He becomes involved in feuds with his fellow officers ; His recall by the king -- The mistakes of Frontenac's successor ; The death of Colbert ; La Barre is recalled ; Meules makes a new kind of money -- La Salle embarks on a wild adventure ; A colony is founded by mistake in Texas ; His death at the hands of mutinous followers -- The duel between Denonville and Dongan ; An act of treachery makes war with the Iroquois inevitable ; The French seize English forts in Hudson's Bay ; Denonville lays the Seneca country waste -- The grim story of Iroquois revenge ; The massacre at Lachine ; Denonville's weakness -- The beginning of the English wars ; Four titans and a heroine.