The points of my compass Letters from the east, the west, the north , the south
E. B. White
- New York Harper & Row, Publishers 1962
- 240 p.
Foreword -- Eye of Edna -- Slight sound at evening -- Home-coming -- Bedfellows -- Ring of time -- Coon tree -- Sootfall and fallout -- Shape of the U.N. -- Rock dove -- Report in spring -- Will Strunk -- Good-bye to 48th street -- Report in winter -- Motorcar -- Railroad -- Unity -- Shape of television -- Years of wonder.
A collection of eighteen essays, reports and reminiscences (all but one of which have previously appeared in The New Yorker as a "Letter from the East" or some other compass point). Author writes of coons, and how a swallow builds a nest, and the way a Maine fire department attends a fire, and also of fallout, disarmament and the United Nations.
White, E. B. -- (Elwyn Brooks) 1899-1985 Correspondence