Northern Ireland
edited by Jonathan Bartlett
- New York H.W. Wilson 1983
- 167 p.
Red hand : the Ulster colony / Constantine FitzGibbon -- Ulster : in the empty house of the stare / Herb Greer -- The hunger strikers / Denis Donoghue -- The men on the blanket / Jack Holland -- Ready to die in the maze / Robert Ajemian -- Hunger strike on H-block / Joseph O'Hare -- The strike ends -- Letters from a Belfast ghetto / Jack Holland -- Ulster's lost generation / John Conroy -- A reporter at large : Matthew and Marie / Anthony Bailey -- Northern Ireland's ordeal / Trevor Beeson -- The troubles today / Jack Beatty -- Ulster seems headed for a Catholic majority / William Borders -- Leaders of Britain and Ireland to form panel on closer ties / William Borders -- If you had given me a visa / Ian Paisley -- Regulating conflicts : the case of Ulster / Terrance G. Carroll -- The unionists / John Hume.