Fergusson, Erna

Mexico revisited Erna Fergusson - New York Alfred A. Knopf 1955 - 346 p. Includes maps

Includes Index

South toward the center : Mexico's north : Indian backgrounds : Conquest from the Gulf : Mexico's heartland : Mexico's west : South to the Pacific : East to the Gulf : Capital and Center Ciudad Juárez and how the land lies --
Chihuahua --
Tarahumara and the Barrancas de Cobre --
Durango and Zacatecas --
Crossing the Sierra occidental --
West of the Sierra Madre --
La laguna and the ejido system --
A gringo Mexican --
Francisco Madero --
Monterrey --
Mexico's lengthening past --
Yucatán --
Mexico's Maya ruins --
The valley of Oaxaca --
Chiapas and the Indian problem --
Spanish conquest --
Conquest from the north --
Reconquest for Mexico --
San Luis Potosí --
Querétaro --
San Miguel Allende --
Guanajuato --
¡Ay, Jalisco and Guadalajara! --
Uruapan --
Pátzcuaro and Morelia --
Cuenavaca --
Taxco --
Acapulco --
Pulque hacienda --
Huejotzingo and Tlaxcala --
Puebla de Los Angeles --
Mexico, the capital --
Folk art becomes big business --
People of the capital
Mexico moves on.

Travel guide to Mexico's past.


Description and travel Mexico

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