Day the sun rose twice : the story of the Trinity site nuclear explosion, July 16, 1945
The day the sun rose twice
Ferenc Morton Szasz
- Albuquerque, New Mexico University of New Mexico Press 1984
- 233 p
The Day the Sun Rose Twice traces the history of the world's first atomic detonation. Author Ferenc Morton Szasz, a professor of history at the University of New Mexico, describes the personalities, events, and scientific processes that led to the detonation of the world's first atomic bomb in the New Mexican desert. The text covers and reconstructs the story...the industrious atmosphere of scientists and technicians; the solemn rsponsibilities of making the key decisions - and the heavy consciences of those whio made them...weighed against what had been achieved.
0826307671 9780826307675
Atomic Bomb--History--New Mexico--Los Alamos United States Army Corps of Engineers--Manhattan Engineer District Trinity site nuclear explosion--July 16, 1945