The Southwestern journals of Adolph F. Bandelier 1889-1892
Edited by Charles H. Lange, Carroll L. Riley and Elizabeth M. Lange
- Albuqerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1984
- 785 p
- The southwestern journals of Adolph F. Bandelier 4 volumes 1889-1892 Volume 4 .
Includes Index
[1] 1880-1882.-- [2] 1883-1884, edited and annotated by Charles H. Lange and Carroll L. Riley with the assistance of Elizabeth M. Lange.-- [3] 1885-1888, edited and annotated by Charles H. Lange, Carroll L. Riley, and Elizabeth M. Lange.-- [4] 1889-1892, edited and annotated by Charles H. Lange, Carroll L. Riley, and Elizabeth M. Lange.
"A day-to-day field notebook, as well as an intimate diary of Bandelier's daily observations and moods, the Journals provide a firsthand account of a pioneering anthropologist's reactions to the Southwest. They contain the joys and frustrations Bandelier encountered in his early attempts to understand people and their environment."--Jacket flap.
Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse 1840-1914
Indians of North America --Southwest, New Indians of North America Antiquities--Southwest, New Description and travel--Southwest, New