20160731 frey50

Short-short stories Totline Teaching Tales Short-short stories Compiled by Jean Warren; Illustrated by Marion Hopping Ekberg; Activity Illustations by Paula Inmon - Everett, WA Warren Publishing House, Inc. 1987 - 80 p. - Totline Teaching Tales .

Apple man's secret -- The giant pumpkin -- Better silly than sorry -- Running Bear's Thanksgiving -- The bear and the mountain -- Ellie the evergreen -- The little blue dishes -- Eight little candles -- Thousands of Valentines for hundreds of friends -- The rabbit who ate the snowman's nose -- The brave little leprechaun -- Buzzy Bee's rainy day -- The colorful Easter eggs -- Katie the caterpillar -- Daddy Duck's surprises -- Dandy -- I hate tomatoes -- The tale of the old cactus.


Education, Preschool
Mathematical recreations
Indoor games

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