Lost city of the Incas the story of Machu Picchu and its builders
Hiram Bingham
- New York Duell, Sloan, and Pearce 1948
- 263 p
The gathering storm: causes of the revolution -- The common cause: the colonies take counsel with one another -- The first Congress: the Declaration of Rights, the association -- The prayers of the colonies unavailing: the second Congress assembles -- Congress organizes for defense: looks askance at permanent union -- The withered olive branch: Congress beckons to Canada -- Congress offers counsel: the Colonies look to their own hearts -- The torrent of independence: conciliators avaunt! -- Launching the national ship: the Declaration of Independence -- Girding to the contest: the plan of treaties -- united we stand, divided we fall: what price confederation? -- Exodus and exile: which way salvation? -- Congress in labor: birth of confederation -- In the wilderness: the manna of Saratoga -- Confusion of tongues: discontent, intrigue -- Arms and the man: the committee at camp, half-pay -- In the depths: the shadow of defeat -- On the heights: France comes to the rescue -- Castles in the air: tribulations at home and abroad -- New wine in old bottles: the bubble of "continental" -- The general speaks to the Congress: "half-pay" again, likewise hunger -- Apples of Sodom: collapse of "continental" -- The rights of cod and haddock: fish or fight? -- The whole versus the part: the committee at headquarters -- Making bricks without straw: confederation at last, but lame and halt -- Congress takes the measure of its stature: short by many cubits -- Out of the desert into the promised land: Yorktown -- The army grumbles: Congress stammers . . . and promises -- Congress goes a-travelling: embraces the long-sought peace -- Loosening bonds: the committee of the states -- Grapes from thorns: Congress and the land -- Figs from thistles: Congress and the sea -- Blood transfusion: the Annapolis Convention -- Watchman, what of the night?: the Federal Convention -- Passing the torch; the old government salutes the new.
A history of the Continental congress from its inception to March, 1789.