What I Saw At The Revolution a political life in the Reagan era
Peggy Noonan
- New York Random House 1990
- 353 p
Includes index.
I am often booed because of who my friends are -- CBS -- The President's house is many mansions -- I first saw him as a foot -- "Speech! Speech!" -- I am a camera -- Knee deep in the hoopla -- Who was that masked man? -- New terms -- George Raft -- Ich bin ein pain in the neck -- "That's not off my disk" -- Challenger -- Come walk with me -- Summits -- Leaving -- A thousand points of light -- Hydroplaning -- Hail and farewell -- Epilogue -- Another epilogue.
An account of the Reagan years in Washington and the world behind the words, by Peggy, the speechwriter.
Reagan, Ronald 1911-2004 Reagan, Ronald Friends and associates Noonan, Peggy 1950-
Biography--United States--United States--1981-1989 Biography--United States