Wister, Fanny Kemble

Owen Wister out west: His Journals and Letters Owen Wister; edited by Fanny Kemble Wister - Chicago University of Chicago Press 1958 - xix, 269 p.

Includes Bibliography and Index

July-August, 1885; Wyoming --
July-September, 1887; British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Wyoming --
July-September, 1888; Wyoming --
October-November, 1889; Wyoming --
June-September, 1891; Wyoming and Yellowstone Park --
October-November, 1892; Washington --
February-March, 1893; Texas --
June-December, 1893; World's Fair, Wyoming, Yellowstone, Arizona, San Francisco, Portland --
May-August, 1894; Bowie, Bayard, Grant, Bisbie [Bisbee], Tombstone, Tucson, San Francisco, Cheyenne --
May-August, 1895; New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, Cheyenne, Fort Meade --
Epilogue --
A Wister bibliography.

In 1885 Owen Wister boarded a train in Philadelphia and set out for territorial Wyoming. Presents a selection of the Western author's journals and letters from his travels through Wyoming, Washington, Arizona, Texas, and other areas of the American West and Southwest, from 1885-95.

Wister, Owen 1860-1938

Wyoming Description and travel --19th century

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