Coal camp kids : coming up hard and making it.
Barbara Ford Ritch, Introduction by Paul R. Jordan
- Tallahassee, Florida Father & Son Publishing, Inc. 1991
- 352 p.
Includes Index
In Memorium : For Hub : History of CCK : Disclaimer : Dedication : Table of Contents : Preface : Introduction : Home of our hearts the Beaver Creek Coal Camps : S-E-X : Birthing : Doctoring : Preventive medicine visiting nurses, superstitions, and home remedies : Dying i a coal camp : The company stores : Three or four rooms with path : Bright lights and high waters : The basics ABC's... and more : the negro in the coalcamps : and they worked for $.14 an hour : United we stand .. the unions : Hoover Days hopelessness and despair : This was entertainment the how house : What we did for fun : The tree c's... and more : Religion ours : ..and theirs : Law and order : the war years "The big one" : ..and making it this, that and t'other : Introducing the coal camp kids : Index
Social life and customs Floyd County (Ky.) Biography Floyd County (Ky.) Coal mines and mining Kentucky --History --20th century Manners and customs Childeren of coal miners--Kentucky