Tregaskis, Richard

Guadalcanal Diary Richard Tregaskis - New York Random House 1943 - 263 p

Approach, July 26-August 6 --
Landing, August 7-August 8 --
Contact, August 9-August 13 --
Expedition to Matanikau, August 14-August 20 --
Tenaru Front, August 21-August 22 --
Bombardment, August 23-September 6 --
Battle of the ridge, September 7-September 24 --
Bomber to Bougainville, September 25-September 26.

"Guadalcanal Diary" is a classic of war reportage. In the first American offensive of World War II, Tregaskis went ashore with the Marines at Guadalcanal on August 7, 1942 and stayed with them for the next six weeks while they fought for survival against the Japanese.


Personal narratives, American--1939-1945
Campaigns--Guadalcanal Islands--1939-1945

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