20160731 frey50

Harrison's principles of internal medicine - 13th ed. / editors, Kurt J. Isselbacher ... [et al.]. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c1994. - 2 v. (xxxii, 2496, 154 p.) : ill. ; 28 cm.

Introduction to clinical medicine -- Cardinal manifestations of disease -- Genetics and disease -- Clinical pharmacology -- Nutrition -- Infectious disease -- Disorders of the cardiovascular system -- Disorders of the respiratory system -- Disorders of the kidney and urinary tract -- Disorders of the gastrointestinal system -- Disorders of the immune system, connective tissue and joints -- Hematology and oncology -- Endocrinology and metabolism -- Neurologic disorders -- Environmental and occupational hazards.

0070323704 (1 vol. ed.) : 0007911696 (2 vol. ed. set) : 0070323712 (bk. 1) 0070323720 (bk. 2) 0079111696 (2 vol. ed. : set) :


Internal medicine.
Internal medicine.

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