Dowsing for beginners : the art of discovering water, treasure, gold, oil, artifacts
Richard Webster.
- 1st ed.
- St. Paul, Minn. Llewllyn Publications, 1996.
- xxxi, 198 p. ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-194) and index.
Contents Introduction Chapter One: The tools Chapter two: using the tools Chapter three: More advanced dowsing Chapter four: Map dowsing Chapter five: The amazing pendulum Chapter six: Hand and body dowsing Chapter seven: How does it work? Chapter eight: Dowsing for self improvement Chapter nine: Agricultural dowsing Chapter ten Medical dowsing Chapter eleven: Archaeological dowsing Chapter twelve: Psychic Dowsing Chapter thirteen: Controversial rays Chapter fourteen: Gallery of dowsies Conclusion Endnotes Suggested reading Index
This text shows the reader how to dowse for valuables, health, self-improvement, allergy relief, archaelogical remains and harmful radiation, using divining rods, pendulums, wands, hands and the body.