Winawer, Sidney J. frey50

Cancer free : the comprehensive cancer prevention program / Sidney J. Winawer and Moshe Shike ; and Philip Bashe and Genell Subak-Sharpe ; introduction by Paul A. Marks. - New York : Simon & Schuster, c1995. - 416 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [395]-402) and index.

Pt. 1. Cancer: the facts -- Cancer is preventable -- What is cancer? -- Pt. 2. The building blocks of a cancer prevention program -- Assessing your cancer risk -- Heredity and family history -- Diet and nutrition -- Lifestyle -- Carcinogens in the home, workplace and general environment -- The mind and cancer -- Designing your personal cancer prevention program -- Pt. 3. Preventing the major cancers-- Prostate cancer -- Breast cancer -- Lung cancer -- Colorectal cancer -- Gynecologic cancers -- Stomach and esophagael cancers -- Skin cancers -- Pt. 4. The future of cancer prevention -- New methods, new hope.

0684815125 : $25.00 ($33.50 Can.)


Neoplasms--prevention & control--popular works.

RC268 / .C356 1995


1995 D-634 QZ 201 / C2143 1995