Dancing naked in the mind field
Kary Mullis
- 1st ed.
- New York : Pantheon Books, c1998.
- x, 222 p. 22 cm.
Includes index.
Contents: The Invention of PCR The Big Prizes A Lab Is Just Another Place to Play Fear and Lawyers in Los Angeles The Realm of the Senses I Think, Therefore I Wire My Evening with Harry Intervention on the Astral Plane Avogadro's Number Who's Minding the Store? What Happened to Scientific Method? The Attack of the Loxosceles reclusae No Aliens Allowed The 10,000th Day I Am a Capricorn The Age of Nutritional Obsession Better Living through Chemistry Case Not Closed Have Slides Will Stay Home Am I a Machine? Professional Biochemistry The Age of Chicken Little
Ranging from cloning to HIV, global warming to astrology, and the OJ Simpson trial to turning on a light bulb with one's mind, this title challenges us to question scientific dogma.