Boys know it all : wise thoughts and wacky ideas from guys like you written by boys just like you! ; compiled by Michele Roehm. - Milwaukee, Wis. : Gareth Stevens Pub., 1999. - 167 p. cm.24 - Girls know best .

Originally published: Hillsboro, Or. : Beyond Words,1998.

Thirty-two boys from around the country give advice about such things as girls, wise-cracking, sports, cooking, siblings, drugs, etiquette, and friendship.

6 - 12 years

0836824555 (lib. bdg.)


Boys--Conduct of life
Boys--Health and hygiene
Interpersonal relations
Children's writings, American.
Conduct of life.
Boys--Health and hygiene.
Life skills.
Interpersonal relations.
Children's writings.

j305.23 Boy 23