Denenberg, Barry

Journal of Ben Uchida Citizen #13559, MirrorLake Internment Camp The Journal of Ben Uchida Barry Denenberg - 1st ed. - New York Scholastic Inc. 1999. - 156 p. ill. ; 20 cm. - My name is America .

"Ben Uchida is a fictional character, created by the author, and his journal is a work of fiction"--Copr. p.

Twelve-year-old Ben Uchida keeps a journal of his experiences as a prisoner in a Japanese internment camp in Mirror Lake, California, during World War II.




Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, --Juvenile fiction.--1942-1945
World war --Fiction--United States--1939-1945

PZ7.D4135 / Jn 1999

jDen 17