A moveable feast
Ernest Hemingway
- New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1964
- 211 p.
A good cafe on the Place St.-Michel -- Miss Stein instructs -- "Une Generation Perdue" -- Shakespeare and company -- People of the Seine -- A false spring -- The end of an avocation -- Hunger was good discipline -- Ford Madox Ford and the devil's disciple -- Birth of a new school -- With Pascin at the Dome -- Ezra Pound and his Bel Esprit -- A strange enough ending -- The man who was marked for death -- Evan Shipman at the Lilas -- An agent of evil -- Scott Fitzgerald -- Hawks do not share -- A matter of measurements -- There is never any end to Paris.
A Hemingway memoir recounting stories of himself, his wife, and his literary friends during their early years in Paris.
Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961 Homes and haunts --France--Paris
Novelists, American--20th century --Biography Intellectual life Paris (France) --20th century Social life and customs. Paris (France) --20th century Americans France --Paris --20th century--History