The world of mathematics Volume 2 a small library of the literature of mathematics from Aʻh-mosé the scribe to Albert Einstein
Commentaries and notes by James R. Newman
- New York Simon & Schuster 1956
- 726 - 1414 p.
- The world of mathematics Volume II .
Mathematics of motion / Galileo Galilei -- Kinetic theory of gases / Daniel Bernoulli -- Longitude / Lloyd A. Brown -- John Couch Adams and the discovery of Neptune / Sir Harold Spencer Jones -- Atomic numbers / H.G.J. Moseley -- Rontgen Rays / Sir William Bragg -- Crystals and the future of physics / Philippe Le Corbeiller -- What is calculus pf variations and what are its applications? / Karl Menger -- The soap-bubble / C. Vernon Boys -- Plateau's problem / Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins -- Periodic law of the chemical elements / Dmitri Mendeleeff -- Mendeleeff / Bernard Jaffe -- Mathematics of heredity / Gregor Mendel -- On being the right size / J.B.S. Haldane -- Heredity and the quantum theory / Erwin Schrodinger -- On magnitude / D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson -- The uncertainty principle / Werner Heisenberg -- Causality and wave mechanics / Erwin Schrodinger -- Constants of nature / Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington -- New law of gravitation and the old law / Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington -- Theory of relativity / Clement V. Durell -- Gustav Theodor Fechner / Edwin G. Boring -- Classification of men according to their natural gifts / Sir Francis Galton -- Mathematics of population and food / Thomas Robert Malthus -- Mathematics of value and demand / Augustin Cournot -- Theory of political economy / William Stanley Jevons -- Mathematics of war and foreign politics / Lewis Fry Richardson -- Statistics of deadly quarrels / Lewis Fry Richardson -- Theory of economic behavior / Leonid Hurwicz -- Theory of games / S. Vajda -- Sociology learns the language of mathematics / Abraham Kaplan -- Concerning probability / Pierre Simon de Laplace -- The red and black / Charles Sanders Peirce -- Application of probability to conduct / John Maynard Keynes -- Chance / Henri Poincare -- Meaning of probability / Ernest Nagel.
This set was designed to make mathematics more accessible to the civilian. It includes non-technical essays and numerous articles.