The world of mathematics Volume 3 a small library of the literature of mathematics from Aʻh-mosé the scribe to Albert Einstein
Commentaries and notes by James R. Newman
- New York Simon & Schuster 1956
- 1416 - 2021 p.
- The world of mathematics Volume III .
Foundations of vital statistics / John Graunt -- First life insurance tables / Edmund Halley -- The law of large numbers / Jacob Bernoulli -- Sampling and standard error / L.C. Tippett -- On the average and scatter / M.J. Moroney -- Mathematics of a lady tasting tea / Sir Ronald A. Fisher -- The vice of gambling and the virtue of insurance / George Bernard Shaw -- The group concept / Cassius J. Keyser -- Theory of groups / Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington -- Mathematics and metaphysicians / Bertrand Russell -- Infinity / Hans Hahn -- On the naure of mathematical truth / Carl G. Hempel -- Geometry and empirical science / Carl G. Hempel -- Axiomatic method / Raymond L. Wilder -- Goedel's proof / Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman -- Mathematical science / Oswald Veblen and John Wesley Young -- Mathematics and the world / Douglas Gasking -- Mathematical postulates and human understanding / Richard von Mises -- The study that knows nothing of observation / James Joseph Sylvester -- Essence of mathematics / Charles Sanders Peirce -- Economy of Science / Ernst Mach -- Measurement / Norman Campbell -- Numerical laws / Norman Campbell -- The mathematical way of thinking / Hermann Weyl -- Mathematical analysis of logic / George Boole -- History of symbolic logic / Clarence Irving Lewis and Cooper Harold Langford -- Symbolic notation, Haddock's eyes and the dog-walking ordinance / Ernest Nagel -- Symbolic logic / Alfred Tarski -- Paradist lost and paradise regained / Edward Kasner and James R. Newman -- Crisis in intuition / Hans Hahn -- How to solve it / G. Polya -- New names for old / Edward Kasner and James R. Newman -- Mathematics as an art / John William Navin Sullivan --
This set was designed to make mathematics more accessible to the civilian. It includes non-technical essays and numerous articles.