The lives and legends of Buffalo Bill
Don Russell
- [1st ed.]
- Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1960]
- 514 p. illus. 24 cm.
Includes bibliography.
The Codys were not good at spelling -- The Codys in Bleeding Kansas -- Boy on the plains -- Boy of the Pony Express -- Private Cody in the Civil War -- Mr. Cody attempts domesticity -- William F. Cody becomes Buffalo Bill -- Sheridan finds Cody's services "extremely valuable" -- The Secretary of War hears of Cody -- The Battle of Summit Springs -- Buffalo Bill gains national fame -- Hunting parties on the plains -- The hunt of Grand Duke Alexis -- The Medal of Honor -- "The scouts of the prairie" -- "The scouts of the plains" -- The death of Yellow Hand -- Chief of scouts, B.H. & Y. -- The Buffalo Bill combination -- Buffalo Bill, author -- Buffalo Bill's Wild West -- Little Sure Shot -- Before the crowned heads of Europe -- Buffalo Bill and the buffalo -- The last war trail -- "Congress of the Rough Riders of the World" -- The dime-novel hero -- The hero less heroic -- "A series of farewell exhibitions" -- Added to and given with a circus -- The last stands -- "Let my show go on."
Attempts to discern the truths behind the legends built up around his career.
Buffalo Bill, 1846-1917 Cody, William Frederick 1846-1917