Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero
World's Greatest Literature
Translated by Charles Duke Yonge; Introduction by Charles Hermann Ohly
- New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900
- 446 p.
- World's greatest literature .
First oration against Catiline -- Second oration against Catiline -- Third oration against Catiline -- Fourth oration against Catiline -- Oration in defence of Publius Sylla -- Speech in defence of Aulus Licinius Archaias -- Speech in defence of the proposed manilian law -- Speech in defence of Titus Annius Milo -- Speech in defence of Caius Rabirius Postumus -- Speech in behalf of Marcus Claudius Marcellus -- Speech in defence of Quintus Ligarius -- Speech in behalf of King Deiotarus -- The first oration against Marcus Antonius -- The second oration against Marcus Antonius -- The ninth oration against Marcus Antonius -- The last oration against Marcus Antonius -- The prosecution of Verres.