The Light of the Past
- New York American Heritage 1959
- 288 p.
Homer's age of heroes / by C.M. Bowra -- From the classic Earth -- Man's first murals / by James Mellaart -- The time of man / by Loren Eiseley -- Cave-dwelling carvers / by Jean Perrot -- O ye daughters of sumer! / by Samuel Noah Kramer -- Before the Argo / by Geoffrey Bibby -- The old world's peculiar institution / by M.I. Finley -- The two worlds of Alexander / by C.A. Robinson, Jr. -- The year one / by M.I. Finley -- Portraiture on Roman coins / by Michael Grant -- Gislebertus hoc fecit / by Fernand Auberjonois -- Richard and Saladin / by Alfred Duggan -- The education of Renaissance man / by Iris Origo -- The bad bishop's book of love songs -- Pascal / by Morris Bishop -- The persecution of witches / by H.R. Trevor-Roper -- Francis Bacon / by Loren Eiseley -- The minister's fatal showplace / by William Harlan Hale -- Africa: the face behind the mask / by Basil Davidson -- The image of the white man / by John Maas -- The pleasures of the Bastille / by J. Christopher Herold -- The disappearance of Don Juan / by Henry Anatole Grunwald -- In the light of the sun / by Arthur C. Clarke -- From Eden to the nightmare / by Henry Anatole Grunwald -- The survival of records / by Gilbert Highet -- I shall not look upon his like again / by Max Brandel -- Misuses of the past / by Herbert J. Muller.
Twenty-eight illustrated articles from Horizon on the Trojan Wars, ancient Sumer, Alexander's world, Roman coins, Elizabethan England, the Crusades, Africa, Japan and the Bastille.