Indian Blankets and their makers
George Wharton James
- New York Tudor Pub. Co. 1937
- 213 p
Introduction -- Where Navaho blankets are made.Navaho houses and their songs of blessing -- 2. The birth and growth of the art of Navaho blanket-weaving -- 3. The early history of the Navaho blanket -- 4. The Bayeta blanket of the Navaho -- 5. Old style native wool blankets -- 6. Navaho and Pueblo squaw dresses -- 7. The song of blessing of the blanket -- 8. The temporary deterioration of the art of the Navaho blanket weaving -- 9. Improving the art of Navaho blanket weaving -- 10.The significance and symbolism of color in the Navaho blanket -- 11. Dying with native and aniline dyes -- 12. The origin and symbolism of Navaho designs -- 13. A Navaho weaver at work -- 14. The designs on modern Navaho blankets -- 15. Navaho and Pueblo belts, garters, and hair bands -- 16. The outline blanket -- 17. Kachina or Yei blankets -- 18. The classification of modern blankets -- 19. Imitation Navaho blankets -- 20. Pueblo Indian weavers -- 21. The Chimayo blanket -- 22. Cleaning the Navaho blanket -- Appendix 1. The Navaho Indian -- Appendix 2. The religious life of the Navaho -- Appendix 3. Navaho land -- Appendix 4. Reliable dealers in Navaho blankets -- Index.
Discusses in-depth the blankets made by Native American tribes throughout history.