Media violence : opposing viewpoints /
Louise I. Gerdes, book editor.
- San Diego : Greenhaven Press, c2004.
- 191 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
- Opposing viewpoints series .
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Media violence leads to youth violence / Senate Committee on the Judiciary -- No link between media violence and youth violence has been established / Stuart Fischoff -- Exposure to television violence is harmful / Stacy L. Smith and Edward Donnerstein -- The dangers of television violence are exaggerated / Jib Fowles -- Violent video games encourage violent behavior / Dave Grossman -- Violent video games do not encourage violent behavior / Douglas Lowenstein -- Rap music leads to youth violence / Thomas L. Jipping -- Studies have not established a link between rap music and youth violence / Becky L. Tatum -- Government restriction of media violence threatens free speech / Paul McMasters -- Government restriction of media violence does not threaten free speech / Joanne Cantor -- The government should restrict media marketed to children / Joe Lieberman -- The government should not restrict media marketed to children / Danny Goldberg -- A universal ratings system will help parents monitor media violence / Dale Kunkel -- A universal ratings system violates the First Amendment / Julie Hilden -- The government should restrict news coverage of violent crime / Paul Klite -- The government should not restrict news coverage of violent crime / Lawrence K. Grossman -- Parents should monitor their children's media habits / Marjorie J. Hogan -- Advertisers should not sponser violent television programs / Robert Stuart -- Women should boycott movies showing violence against women / Margaret Morganroth Gullette -- The public should criticize violent music lyrics / Sam Brownback.