How did I get here? : finding your way to renewed hope and happiness when life and love take unexpected turns
Barbara De Angelis.
- 1st ed.
- New York : St. Martin's Press, 2005.
- x, 319 p. 25 cm.
Contents: Part One. How did you get here? Digging deep for wisdom Turning points, transitions and wake-up calls Getting lost on the way to happiness Playing hide-and-seek with the truth Turning off and freezing up: where did the passion go? Will the real me please stand up? Part Two. Navigating your way through the unexpected. From confusion to clarity, from awakening to action Mourning the life you thought you'd have Proceeding without a map: turning dead ends into doorways. Part Three. Roads to awakening. Finding your way back to passion Coming into your wisdom time Arriving at the placeless place
Explains how to transform adversity into an opportunity for personal transformation, renewed purpose, fulfillment, renewed hope, and other positive forces for change