Spring, Janis Abrahms

How can I forgive you? the courage to forgive, the freedom not to Janis Abrahms Spring - 1st ed. - New York HarperCollins, c2004. - xi, 254 p. 24 cm.

Introduction: Is forgiveness good for you?
Cheap forgiveness: an inauthentic act of peacemaking that resolves nothing
Refusing to forgive: a rigid response that keeps you entombed in hate
Acceptance: a healing gift to yourself that asks nothing of the offender
Genuine forgiveness: a healing transaction, an intimate dance
Appendix: how the offender's childhood wounds shaped the way he treated you

Drawing on twenty-nine years as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Spring proposes a radically new, life-affirming alternative that lets us overcome the corrosive effects of hate and get on with our lives--without forgiving. She also offers a powerful and unconventional model for genuine forgiveness--one that asks as much of the offender as it asks of us

0060009306 (alk paper) 9780060009304



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