Urman, Scott

Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming Scott Urman, Ron Hardman, Michael McLaughlin. - New York, N.Y. London McGraw-Hil/Osborne c2004. - xxvii, 862 p. ill. ; 24 cm. - Oracle Press .

Includes index.

1. Introduction to PL/SQL
2. Using SQL*plus and JDeveloper
3. PL/SQL basics
4. Using SQL with PL/SQL
5. Records
6. Collections
7. Error handling
8. Creating procedures, functions, and packages
9. Using procedures, functions, and packages
10. Database triggers
11. Intersession communication
12. External routines
13. Dynamic SQL
14. Introduction to objects
15. Objects in the database
16. Large objects
17. Scheduling tasks
App. A. PL/SQL reserved words
App. B. Guide to supplied packages

"This fifth edition is principally rewritten, and includes all new examples and coverage of advanced topics like object oriented programming with PL/SQL, external routines, job scheduling, and more. This book covers both introductory and advanced material, and provides complete coverage of the PL/SQL language including new 10g features"--Introduction

0072230665 (pbk.)

PL/SQL (Computer program language)
Computer programming.

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