Hurricane Katrina William Dudley, book editor. - Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2006. - 91 p. ; 24 cm. - At issue .

Hurricane Katrina revealed America's lack of natural disaster preparedness / Paul C. Light -- Hurricane Katrina revealed America's social and economic inequalities / Walter Ellis -- The media exaggerated aspects of the Hurricane Katrina disaster / Dan Gainor -- Hurricane Katrina revealed management problems of FEMA / Elaine Karmack -- Hurricane Katrina revealed the ineffectiveness of big government / David Boaz -- Hurricane Katrina revealed the problems of conservative anti-government ideology / Tom Vilsack -- Racism played a part in America's response to Katrina / DeWayne Wickham -- Racism is not evident in America's response to Katrina / John Leo -- Hurricane Katrina offers America an opportunity to end its racial divide / Carol Mosley Braun -- Hurricane Katrina revealed the seriousness of the global warming problem / Ross Gelbspan -- Hurricane Katrina had nothing to do with global warming / James K. Glassman -- The federal government should help hurricane victims and rebuild destroyed communities / George W. Bush -- Federal government spending on hurricane victims should be limited / Duane D. Freese -- New Orleans should not be rebuilt / Klaus Jacob -- New Orleans must be rebuilt / George Friedman.

Essays cover opposing viewpoints on issues surrounding Hurricane Katrina, discussing such topics as the response of FEMA, the problems of conservative antigovernment ideology, racism and government rescue efforts, and the impact of global warming on hurricanes.

6 - 12

0737735511 (lib. : alk. paper) 073773552X (pbk. : alk. paper)


Hurricane Katrina--2005
Emergency management--Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Disaster relief--Government policy--Gulf Coast (U.S.)

j363.34922 Hur 23