Fonder, Melanie. frey50

The complete idiot's guide to American government / Complete idiot's guide American government by Melanie Fonder and Mary Shaffrey. - Indianapolis, Ind. : Alpha, 2002. - xxi, 361 p. ; 24 cm.

Building a government: Putting it in writing: Documents that led to freedom, democracy, and the American way -- More perfect union: Closer look at the main body of the Constitution, the oldest document of its kind in use in the world today -- Bill of Rights: How the framers of the Constitution ensured the basic rights of all Americans -- Keeping the Constitution alive: How the Constitution has changed over the years, largely in response to perceived shortcomings in the governing process -- Buck stops here: Hail to the chief: Why we call the central figure responsible for American government "Mr. President" instead of "His Highness" -- Second in command-Vice President: History hasn't been especially kind to the role of the vice president. Here's a look at some of the 46 men who have served in this position -- Advising the President: All about the members of the president's cabinet-some of the most influential people in government -- Shaping the Presidency: Each president has left some mark on the office and the nation. Some were noteworthy for what they did for both; others were infamous for what they did to both -- Role of the First Lady: Find out about the job that has fascinated the American people since the days of Martha Washington -- Checks and balances: Lower house: How the House of Representatives differs in from and function from the Senate -- Upper house: Where some of the most important debates in American government take place -- Congressional authority: How bills become laws -- Congress at work: Day in the life of a member of Congress -- Congressional elections: How candidates for Congress are chosen -- Even higher authority: Hear ye, hear ye: Role of the judicial branch of government -- Supreme players: Men and women who wear the black robes, and other key players in the judicial system -- First Monday in October: How cases get to the Supreme Court and what the justices do with them when they get there -- Setting precedents: Groundbreaking decisions that have helped define the law of the land -- Follow the money: Fed Money: Power of the purse-Federal purse, that is! -- Campaigns and money: All about how campaigns are financed and the rules governing how candidates raise money -- Campaign finance reform: What campaign finance reform is all about, and the scandals that have fueled calls for changing the way campaigns are run -- Fundraising: How politicians raise the money necessary for success -- Right to petition: Giving voice to special interests -- State and local government: Governors and other state leaders: Numerous roles filled by the people who govern the states -- Reapportionment and redistricting: How the federal government ensures that your voice will be heard -- Another House, another Senate, and what they do for you: Similarities between state and federal government -- Local government: All about counties, townships, towns, and more -- Power of one: Role and responsibilities of the individual in government, and how you can get involved -- Appendixes: Glossary -- Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Veeps who became Presidents -- Profile of the states -- Resources.

0028643534 9780028643533



Federal government--United States.


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